Showing posts with label Mercedes benz 230. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercedes benz 230. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

WallDecaux: Mercedes Key To Viano Campaign

WallDecaux: Mercedes Key To Viano CampaignFor their customer Mercedes-Benz Vans, Lukas Lindemann Rosinski implemented an interactive outdoor event on Wall AG's digital advertising displays in Berlin underground station Friedrichstrasse, which blurred the line between classical outdoor advertising and interactive entertainment. Under the slogan "Key to Viano", passers-by were offered the unprecedented opportunity to control digital advertising displays using their own remote car keys. Together with technical- and software engineers, LLR developed a system which recognizes the remote car key signals via a radio receiver, informs the control unit of the digital LCD projectors and starts a new film clip each time a signal is received. To set the stage for this interactive event, centring around the 12 digital advertising displays opposite the platform, the underground station had to undergo a near complete redesign, accomplished in collaboration with WallDecaux Berlin. Every time a remote car key -- no matter for which brand of car -- was operated, the side door of a digital Viano opened, and different kinds of passengers descended the vehicle: sometimes weird, sometimes colourful, sometimes from another world. But they all had one thing in common: They strikingly demonstrated the impressive capacity of the Viano's passenger compartment. A passerby could, with a bit of luck, capture the film clip showing a Viano with chauffeur waiting for him. In this case, the Mercedes-Benz promotion team present on location invited <b>...</b>
Author: JCDecauxGlobal
Duration: 1:42

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WallDecaux: Mercedes Key To Viano Campaign
Video WallDecaux: Mercedes Key To Viano Campaign WallDecaux: Mercedes Key To Viano Campaign WallDecaux: Mercedes Key To Viano Campaign

Friday, January 28, 2011

"NEW" Sprinter от "Богема Авто" премьера 2012 года VIP Тюнинг

"NEW" Sprinter от "Богема Авто" премьера 2012 года VIP ТюнингКомпания "Богема Авто". Моscow Cоздание эксклюзивных автомобилей представительского класса. VIP Тюнинг по классу "Президент" Тел. 8(985) 922-2099
Author: bogemaauto
Duration: 8:06

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"NEW" Sprinter от "Богема Авто" премьера 2012 года VIP Тюнинг
Video "NEW" Sprinter от "Богема Авто" премьера 2012 года VIP Тюнинг "NEW" Sprinter от "Богема Авто" премьера 2012 года VIP Тюнинг "NEW" Sprinter от "Богема Авто" премьера 2012 года VIP Тюнинг

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mercedes C111

Mercedes C111Mit Mittel- und Wankelmotor und diversen Rekorden hat es der Mercedes C111 zur Autolegende geschafft. Motorvision stellt die orange Flunder vor.
Duration: 6:35

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Mercedes C111
Video Mercedes C111 Mercedes C111 Mercedes C111