Transcript: "As you may or may not know - in 2010, somebody stole all my music from me out the back of a black Mercedes-Benz when I was in Cologne, Germany. Initially I put a reward of $20000 if they'd just give my backpack back - and when it never returned, I upped the reward to $1MM because that music was absolutely everything to me, it was everything, it was my life, it was everything, I upped it to $1MM. Eventually, somebody did actually return my backpack to me - and when I plugged in that hard drive to access everything that I had lost, the music just wasn't there. The hard drive wouldn't mount. I couldn't access anything - and a year later, that same gentleman (I don't know if it's because he misunderstood what the million dollars was for) ... he filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in New York City, demanding that I pay $1MM for music that I never got back. And yesterday (and the reason why I'm on the front page of the news today) everyone thought I was just a cheapskate or something like that - a jury of my peers, 8 people, they looked me in my face and told me I had to pay this man $1MM for music I never got back. And so I woke up today to get me some orange juice, man, and the lady who works at the deli was like 'aw man - you're the guy on the front page of the paper today!' and I looked at the headline. It said 'Rap Weasel...' Yo - hahahaa, that's like my twin brother - somebody said 'Swizzy!' So listen, man - music always comes from a place of inspiration and I <b>...</b> Author: RyanLeslieTV Duration: 6:09
Photos for video Ryan Leslie Responds to $1MM Verdict at LIU Homecoming Concert